Our special exhibition: LOVE
LOVE takes children on a journey to love – into an abstract fantasy world far away from everything they have previously known. Once there, they can discover new ways of seeing and thinking about love in all its forms and facets. The artful design of the exhibition elements invites you to explore and try things out.
Guided discovery journey
90 min.
max. 25
pers. / Tour -
4-12 years
The current special exhibition LOVE addresses a central theme of human coexistence.
Love – An emotional exhibition experience at PLOMM !
The LOVE exhibition does not require any big words or explanations about love – it makes love directly tangible: at various stations, children can express love, compose with their heartbeat or get to know one of the many hugging stations. At the end of their journey, they even light up a small universe with the love they have collected.
The exhibition visit takes place as a guided discovery journey. The children immerse themselves in a story in a playful way and can play and discover together.
What aspects of love does the exhibition cover?
The feeling of love is presented in a very abstract way in the exhibition. The children can let themselves be embraced by colors and light and play. The topics of sexuality and education are not discussed.
There are children in our group who don't yet speak Luxembourgish/French/German/English very well. Is this an obstacle to our visit?
No, that is not an obstacle. Our employees try to use simple language and supportive gestures as much as possible during the guided tours of discovery. In addition, we work without written language in our exhibition. During the visit, the children have plenty of time to explore and play at the exhibition stations independently – without any language barriers.
My child is in a wheelchair. Can we still visit the exhibition?
Unfortunately, the exposition LOVE is not (completely) barrier-free. We are currently working on an offer that also offers children with wheelchairs a good exhibition experience.
How many people accompanying us from our school/Maison Relais should be present during the visit?
Two accompanying persons should be present per guided discovery trip.
Our child is only 4 years old. I wonder if the guided journey through the Love exhibition, which lasts 90 minutes, isn't too exhausting.
That should not be a problem. The guided journeys of discovery in the PLOMM differ greatly from other museum tours. The children are guided through the exhibition with an exciting story and accompanied by educationally trained staff. In addition, they have plenty of time to play (together) and do things that interest them during their visit. There are also opportunities to retreat in the two PLOMM exhibitions. Therefore, the visit duration of 90 minutes should not be too exhausting.